"Women should rule the world." That's what former white House press secretary Dee Dee Myers wrote just two years ago. "If we were in charge," she writes, "things might actually change. Instead of posturing, we'd have cooperation. Instead of gridlock, we'd have progress. Instead of a shouting match, we'd have a conversation. A very long conversation. But a conversation nonetheless. Everyone would just hold hands and sing 'kumbaya'."

Or would they? what would it be like if women ruled the world, I began to wonder.

At this provocative suggestion, and recalling that it wasn't that long ago that the Democrats were seriously considering nominating Hillary clinton for president and the Republicans selected Sarah Palin as vice-president, I began to wonder as well.

If women ruled the world, would more things - like desktop computers, battleships or space shuttles - come in pastel colours?

Would baby-sitting, doing dishes, and making beds be considered "macho"?

Sould the hems of men's pants go up or down depending on the economy? Would men have to change shoes just because it was after Memorial or Labor Day?

Would 'Better Homes and Gardens' feature an annual "swimsuit" issue?

Would the men who design women's shoes be forced to wear them?

Would little girls read about "Snow White and the Seven Hunks"?

Would men bring drinks, chips, and dip to a bunch of loud, obnoxious women who had planted themselves on the couch all evening to watch the gold-medal round of women's figure skating?

Would all toilet seats be chained down?

would TV news segments on sports be limited to one minute?

As part of basic training, would all soldiers have to take care of a two-year-old for six weeks?

Would men be subjected to Menrichment night or "man" agrams?

Women would certainly do something about "mendicants" - "mendacity" - "manhandling" - "meningitis" - and all other kinds of "MENACES" beginning with the word "men".

What makes Dee Dee Myers think that women don't run the world already? They may not hold the white House of half the seats in Congress, but think about this, men. If women don't run the world, is it possible that they run the world as we know it?

Do they really need our help to open jars, get things down off shelves, or wire up stereo speakers? Probably not, but it's nice that they let us think they do. And this leads us to the best evidence that women actually fun the world - they have convinced us that we are truly the ones in charge.

To our mothers, our mothers' mothers, our wives, our sisters, and our daughters. Up on your feey, my laddies, and join me in a toast...

