Toast to the Laddies

We do love the laddies, but I must share a few thoughts about them before we make our toast.

Men love to barbecue – but of course any man will cook if danger is involved.
Men who have pierced ears are the ones best prepared for marriage; after all they’ve already experienced pain and bought jewelry.
A successful lad is one who makes more money than his partner can spend and a successful lassie is one who can find such a man.
Now we all know that men hate to go shopping. That is why the men’s department is usually located on the first floor of a department store and is just inside the front door.
When the lads play their favorite game – golf of course – they yell “fore”, hit six, and write down four.

So ladies, let’s stand and drink a toast.
“To the lads we honor most.
They are our heroes, strong and Spartan,
Especially when they’re wearing the Tartan!”

Ladies, please raise your glasses for toast, to the Laddies.
