Celtic Festival on Saturday in Wellsville

The American West Heritage Center and the Utah Scottish Association are teaming up for the Cache Celtic Festival & Highland Games, which will be held Saturday, Aug. 29, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

"Celebrating Celtic culture fits well with the deep Scottish and Welsh roots of the northern Utah region," says Bob Gallimore, a member of the Utah Scottish Association board. "It's especially appropriate this year with the sesquicentennials of many area communities."

The event will feature food and merchandise vendors, bagpipe and drumming competitions, Celtic music performed by local musicians, Irish step dancing, and presentations on early Welsh and Scottish pioneers and mountain men.

Highland athletes also will compete in nine traditional throwing events, including the caber toss, stone putt and hammer throw.

Tickets are $7 for adults, $3 for children 4-12.

The American West Heritage Center is located along Highway 89-91 in Wellsville.

