President's Notes February 2010

Significant Notes from the President (February 2010)

February 2010

Do Scottish Americans know how to add a Tartan Twist to poetry readings or what???

Those of you who didn’t join the almost 400 folks who participated in either one or both of our two Burns Supper 2010 locations, you missed some great celebrations!! Be sure you get these events on your 2011 calendar so you don’t have to be left out in the cold.

For all of you who did attend, regardless of the site, you know how much good food there was for the taking, the elegance of the table settings and room displays, the pride of our honor guards, the drama and anticipation during the presentation of and address to the Haggis, the delightful foot-tapping music offered by either Leaping Lulu or the BYU Celtic Ensemble, the heartfelt piping by our two pipers, the always edgy and humorous toasts to the Lassies and Laddies, the blend of humor, romance and politics in the open microphone Burns poetry readings by inspired participants, the special Burns poetry offered in song, the fun & chaos of Celidh (kay-lee) dance instruction and practice, and the generous USU and BYU scholarship donations made through our silent auction and ticket sales. (Check the web as we add samples of the toasts and photos of the fun)

Personally I enjoyed meeting and greeting so many of our members (and perhaps future members) who attended these two events. I must say how inspiring it was to see so many take such pride in their tartaned fashion sense as well as note their enthusiasm to participate.

I offer a special thank you to Brad Smith and Doe Corrin (our event committee chairs) and their respective committee members for coordinating two very successful celebrations.

An evening honoring the genius of Robert Burns with old and new friends is a great way to forget the gloomy valley inversions and cold temperatures!

Remember to keep assessing how you can bring even more assistance to these highly popular events and visit our volunteer tab to help make a meaningful difference.

